Saturday 6 July 2013

Frances L. Friedberg – An Advocate for Children

Frances L. Friedberg has been a tireless advocate for the rights of children that are brought into the Family Court legal system, affected by child abuse, parental drug and alcohol abuse and unfit living conditions. Despite the horrific living conditions or maltreatment they may have endured, many children never want to leave their abusive parents, while some, on the other hand, are grateful to be taken away from their own parents. Regardless of which scenario she faces, Frances L. Friedberg, meets with all of her young clients, and explains who she is, and the legal process, in language appropriate for each child’s respective age and emotional health. Although this is not an easy task, Frances L. Friedberg is unquestionably adept at interviewing children.

As an advocate, Frances L. Friedberg is first and foremost, a lawyer. She must represent her child clients in Court just as she would her adult clients. That means that she must interview witnesses, subpoena records, and prepare for trial the same as any other lawyer.

In addition to child abuse and neglect cases, Frances L. Friedberg also represents children in custody and paternity matters in Family Court. These matters can be just as volatile as the child abuse and neglect cases. Often one of the parents of the child will become angered when Frances L. Friedberg does not “take that parent’s side.”  Parents are often under the misconception that the “Attorney for the Child” is supposed to be “neutral” or take the side of one of the parents. That is 100% incorrect. Frances L. Friedberg explains that an attorney for the child should never be neutral. She has a client to represent, the child, and she must advocate for that child, even if the child is very young. Because every custody case typically involves 3 parties (two parents and a child), the odds are that the child’s position is going to align with the position of one of the parents and disagree with the other. Frances L. Friedberg is not swayed by angry or disgruntled parents, as this is just part of the job. Her client is her number one priority. For more information about Frances L. Friedberg, Esq., visit

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